This war of lies goes on

There is no victory in Afghanistan’s tribal war, only the exchange
of one group of killers for another. The difference is that President
Bush calls the latest occupiers of Kabul “our friends”.

The Betrayal of Afghanistan

In a major article in The Guardian magazine, John Pilger describes
Afghanistan since its liberation from the Taliban, which he filmed for
his latest documentary, ‘Breaking the Silence’. Apart from notional
freedoms, little has changed.

The ‘good war’ is a bad war

John Pilger describes how the invasion of Afghanistan, which was widely supported in the West as a ‘good war’ and justifiable response to 9/11, was actually planned months before 9/11 and is the latest instalment of ‘a great game’.

Breaking The Silence: Truth And Lies In The War On Terror

An investigation into the discrepancies between the American and British justification for ‘War on Terror’ and the facts on the ground in Afghanistan and Washington DC. Six months after the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 and two years after the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, John Pilger’s documentary Breaking the Silence: Truth and […]