In this second article on the expulsion of the Chagos islanders,
published in the Daily Express, London, John Pilger reveals more of the
secret files that mark the conspiracy between Britain and the United
States to ‘cleanse’ the main island, Diego Garcia.
The power and corruption that makes unpeople of an entire nation
John Pilger describes the latest chapter in the extraordinary story of the ‘mass kidnapping’ of the people of the Chagos islands in the Indian Ocean, British citizens expelled from their homeland to make way for an American military base. On 22 October, Britain’s highest court of appeal, the Law Lords, demonstrated how British power works at its apex by handing down a transparently political judgement that dismissed the Magna Carta and banned an entire nation from ever going home.
Stealing A Nation
The plight of the Chagos Islands, whose indigenous population was secretly and brutally expelled by British Governments in the late 1960s and early 1970s to make way for an American military base. One of John Pilger’s most remarkable documentaries, bringing a little-known story to a wide audience, is Stealing a Nation, about how British governments […]