War, circus and injustice down under

In an article for the Guardian, John Pilger reports on how the Australian prime minister, Tony Abbott, seeks to regain his lost popularity with an outback circus in which he performs in the role of war leader.


An investigation into Australia’s suppressed colonial past and rapacious present. Epic in its production, scope and revelations, Utopia represents a long journey through the ‘secret country’ of John Pilger’s homeland. It is his fourth film about Indigenous Australia, the oldest, most enduring human presence on Earth. Released in 2013 and filmed over two years, Utopia […]

The reds down under are revolting

John Pilger describes a personal loss as the quality of Australia’s once distinguished wine declines – a lesson for others as the greed of “cash cropping” threatens a nation’s food supply.

Back to the point of departure

John Pilger reflects on the idea of a journey, and wonders, like TS Eliot, if the point of travelling is also to find out where you came from. However, the unsuspected and tragic can change everything.

Welcome to the world’s first murdochracy

John Pilger goes back to Australia, where Rupert Murdoch launched his worldwide media empire, and describes how his and Murdoch’s homeland has become a murdochracy – a country where important media, issues and perception are influenced if not dominated by Murdochism: “an inspiration to his choir on seven continents”.