Fake faith and epic crimes

John Pilger describes a worldwide movement that is ‘challenging the once-sacrosanct notion that imperial politicians can destroy countless lives and retain an immunity from justice’. In Tony Blair’s case, justice inches closer.

Britain: the depth of corruption

John Pilger describes how the current scandal of MPs’ tax evasion and phantom mortgages conceals a deeper corruption that is traced back to the political monoculture of the United States.

A postal strike in Britain is the war at home

John Pilger argues that the strike by British postal workers for the right to work with dignity, consultation and security has wider significance for all touched by the political regression that imposes high rates of poverty and gross wealth for an opulent minorty represented by “rescued banks” now celebrating record bonuses.

War comes home to Britain

In his latest column for the New Statesman, John Pilger describes the basic freedoms being lost in Britain as the “national security state”, imported from the United States by New Labour, takes effect.

Dismantling a Dream

Spending cuts highlight the shameful neglect of the NHS. “While the beehive of administrators and deputy administrators and assistant administrators and their public relations protectors has doubled in the last twelve years, it is the doctors and nurses and their vital support people that are being cut back.” A Labour government imposing cutbacks on the […]

A Nod and a Wink

The use of Conspiracy laws in British justice. “A law made before the Middle Ages and never sanctioned by Parliament has been dug up quite recently to be used virtually unchanged as a tool of suppression. Let‘s be quite clear – this law can affect us all. To be charged with conspiracy, you need not have […]

Smashing Kids

Hunger and malnutrition – directly caused by the welfare state. “Tonight, more than two million parents will go to bed hungry in order to give their children something to eat… for the first time since the Great Depression, Britain – the so-called Welfare State – is deliberately cutting back the means of survival of its poorest, […]

Thalidomide: The Ninety-Eight We Forgot

Why are 98 of the affected families not allowed compensation? “The thalidomide affair is not over. Last year, after 11 years of struggle, the children won their compensation. But there are still 98 children whose mothers believe they took thalidomide who’ve got nothing.”   Allied to a four-year Daily Mirror campaign by John Pilger that […]