Cambodia’s missing accused

In an article for the Guardian, John Pilger calls on his long experience with Cambodia’s struggles in lamenting missing faces in the dock at the UN-backed trial of crimes committed during the Khmer Rouge period. Where are Pol Pot’s accomplices and collaborators in the West?

Thirty years on, the holocaust in Cambodia and its aftermath is remembered

In a report for the London Daily Mirror, John Pilger recalls the stricken society he found in Cambodia in 1979 which he described in his documentary, Year Zero: the Silent Death of Cambodia. He reminds us that the Pol Pot horror emerged from the bombing ordered by Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, and that Cambodia was again “punished” when its liberators came from the wrong side of the Cold War and the Thatcher government sent special forces to train the Khmer Rouge in exile.

Cambodia: Return to Year Zero

John Pilger shows how the UN has allowed the Khmer Rouge to grow stronger. “What will happen when the United Nations leaves? Why has Pol Pot’s organisation grown stronger and more menacing since the arrival of the UN? Indeed, has a Trojan horse been built for the return of Asia’s Hitler?” John Pilger’s sixth documentary on Cambodia […]

Cambodia: Year Ten (Update)

The British government and the UN react to the outcry over the situation in Cambodia. “Tens of thousands of viewers have called upon their MPs and the government to withdraw support for Pol Pot. Tonight, we bring you up to date on the reaction of the British government and the United Nations.” Three weeks after […]

Cambodia: Year One

The effect of aid to Cambodia and the extent of the country’s new-found stability. “The film you are about to see will show what your compassion and generosity have achieved. It will also show, in the first report both from here in Cambodia and the camps in Thailand, why this suffering nation is being kept […]

Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia

The shocking state of Cambodia after Pol Pot’s murderous regime. John Pilger’s shocking 1979 documentary Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia alerted the world to the horrors wrought by Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge. The film was originally broadcast on commercial television in Britain and Australia without advertising, which was unprecedented. The British […]