“All governments are liars,” wrote the great American muckraker I F Stone, “and nothing they say should be believed.” He exaggerated, although not by much.
Should we go to war against these children?
A compliant press is preparing the ground for an all-out attack on Iraq. It never mentions the victims: the young, the old and the vulnerable.
British and American pilots are blowing the cover…
Britain and America’s pilots are blowing the cover on our so-called ‘humanitarian’ no-fly zone.
How dare George Bush preach peace to Israel when he’s meeting Blair to plan war on Iraq
George W Bush yesterday called on Israel to withdraw from the Palestinian cities occupied by its forces during the last week.He excused Israel’s violence, but lectured the Palestinians and the rest of the Middle East on the need for restraint and a lasting peace. “The storms of violence cannot go on,” said Bush. “Enough is enough.”
Today, true democracy will demonstrate its resilience on the streets of London
In the week that Parliament was manipulated by the Government and denied a proper vote on whether Britain should join the Bush gang in its assault on Iraq, many thousands of people will converge on London in what is expected to be the greatest demonstration against war for a generation.
The Blair government continues to insist that Iraq poses a threat to the Middle East, despite clear evidence to the contrary
The Blair government was told in January by the Americans that there was no justification for attacking Iraq in the “war on terrorism” and that their main aim was getting rid of Saddam Hussein who stood in the way of the West’s control of Middle Eastern oil wealth.
The Observer: the great betrayal
In its leaders supporting the war in Iraq, the Observer proves that it has truly buried its great liberal editor David Astor, and his principled, “freethinking” legacy.
The “secret” war which has seen a 300 per cent increase in bombing raids on Iraq
The American and British attack on Iraq has already begun. While the Blair government continues to claim in Parliament that “no final decision has been taken”, Royal Air Force and US fighter bombers have secretly changed tactics and escalated their “patrols” over Iraq to an all-out assault on both military and civilian targets.
The propaganda used to ‘justify’ war against Saddam aims only to distract from the real prize: Iraq’s rich reserves of oil
On November 7, the day before the United Nations Security Council voted on a resolution that made an American and British attack on Iraq more than likely, Downing Street began issuing warnings of imminent terrorist threats against the United Kingdom.
Civil disobedience is the sole path left for those who cannot support the Bush-Blair pact of aggression
Civil disobedience is the sole path left for those who cannot support the Bush-Blair pact of aggression. Only then will politicians on both sides of the Atlantic be forced to recognise the folly of their ways.