In his latest article for the Daily Mirror, John Pilger argues that the “high crime” of the invasion of Iraq that “will not melt away” and says the catalogue of Tony Blair’s deceptions are now being revealed by the day, unravelling any credibility left.
Colin Powell said Iraq was not a threat
Writing in the Daily Mirror, John Pilger reveals that both US Secretary of State Colin Powell and Bush’s closest adviser Condaleeza Rice said, in 2001, that Saddam Hussein was effectively disarmed and no threat – putting the lie to their own propaganda.
Put Blair in the dock
While we are allowed to read internal e-mails in Whitehall, we can’t see the traffic between Blair and Bush that would reveal the biggest lie of all.
Needed – an inquiry into a slaughter
Writing in the Independent on Sunday, John Pilger says that, while the Hutton inquiry into the death of David Kelly has revealed more evidence of the deception behind the attack on Iraq, a full public inquiry into why Britain went to war is now needed.
Who are the extremists?
Writing in the Daily Mirror, John Pilger identifies the root cause of the bloody bombing of the UN compound in Baghdad, which Washington and London have blamed this on ‘extremists from outside’.
We know when Bush is lying – his lips move
Blair and Straw dare to suggest that the millions who have rumbled the Bush gang are simply being “fashionably anti-American” – another desperate act by desperate men.
American terrorist
Forget Hutton. He will not reveal what the US and UK authorities really don’t want you to know: that radiation illnesses caused by uranium weapons are now common in Iraq.
Opposition views are absent at Dyke’s BBC
When Greg Dyke attacked American television’s cheerleading coverage of Iraq, how did he manage to keep a straight face? The BBC gave even less voice to opposition views.
Another fake
Shareholders wanted the Mirror editor out long before the allegedly bogus photos. Does anyone care that the BBC and other papers fall for the hoaxes of US and UK rulers?
Gilligan was an exception
The war correspondent James Cameron was smeared as a “dupe of communism”. “When they call you a dupe,” he told me, “they’re really complaining that you are not their dupe”.