Even before the 2003 war, we were attacking Iraqi civilians with our inhumane economic sanctions. Yet where were the media protesting against this injustice?
Another fake
Shareholders wanted the Mirror editor out long before the allegedly bogus photos. Does anyone care that the BBC and other papers fall for the hoaxes of US and UK rulers?
Reminders of Kosovo
Kosovo – the site of a genocide that never was – is now a violent “free market” in drugs and prostitution. What does this tell us about the likely outcome of the Iraq war?
Iraq: the unthinkable becomes normal
Mainstream media speak as if Fallujah were populated only by foreign “insurgents”. In fact, women and children are being slaughtered in our name.
Americanism threatens war on the world
“Anti-Americanism” has long been a pejorative, used to denigrate critics of an imperial system. But it is the opposite, “Americanism”, which threatens a war on the world.
Blair’s forgotten victims
By voting for Blair, you will walk over the corpses of at least 100,000 people, most of them innocent, slaughtered in defiance of international law.
Be proud of what you’ve achieved
Speaking in Sydney, Australia, at a rally to commemorate the second anniversary of the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq, John Pilger said that his compatriots who opposed the invasion should be proud of their achievements and those of millions like them.
Kebabing the Tonier-than-thou club
Those who regard themselves as commissars of the respectable, moral, liberal class do not convey to us the enormity of what happened in Iraq. Their silence is quite disgusting.
Blame Basra on the British
Is there to be no honest accounting for the events in Basra? Do we simply accept John Reid’s customary arrogance?
Behind America’s facade
The destruction caused by Katrina has enabled us to glimpse realities that are usually carefully hidden away. And what we discover is that New Orleans and Baghdad are not so far apart.