Honouring the ‘unbreakable promise’

Almost fourteen years after South Africa’s first democratic elections and the fall of racial apartheid, John Pilger describes, in an address at Rhodes University, the dream and reality of the new South Africa and the responsibility of its new elite.

South Africa: the liberation’s betrayal

In an article for the Mail & Guardian, Johannesburg, John Pilger describes the ‘social and economic catastrophe’ that replaced the African National Congress’s ‘unbreakable’ promise’ to end the poverty of the majority.

Apartheid Did Not Die

An analysis of South Africa’s new, democratic regime. “Apartheid based on race is outlawed now, but the system always went far deeper than that. The cruelty and injustice were underwritten by an economic apartheid which regarded people as no more than cheap, expendable labour… Today, the same system is called, without a trace of irony, […]